Yes, eClosing will be added as an option to close like attending closing and remote closings have been, unless the lender requires eClosing as the only allowable method to close.
We can already e-close (depending on the lender, certain files, and the type of financing). However, in 2020, Florida notaries will be able to e-close. The exact date will depend on e-notary requirements, e-notary seals available, etc.
Digital closing prices are comparable to that of a traditional in-person notary signing.
Some states already offer this service and have experienced notaries. Florida notaries will receive training prior to offering this service to make sure they are prepared for the new notary services.
NTS will send them to you immediately after the signing is complete.
As long as the client has an SSN/ITIN and at least 1 years credit history, we can use RON.